Arch for M.E. 2 için 20 Kasım’da İzmir Mimarlık Merkezi’nde buluşuyoruz. (Detaylar yakında!)
Arch. for M.E. (Architecture for Mediterranean ECOLOGY) 2023
Günümüzde sürdürülebilirlik ve ekoloji kavramı yaşamın her alanında karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Farklı disiplinlerde olduğu gibi mimari yapılarda da oldukça önemlidir. Sürdürülebilir ve ekolojik yapıların artmasında ki ana fikir ise belirli ölçekte kaynak tüketimini minimuma indirmek ve bunun yanı sıra daha verimli bir gelecek inşa edebilmek olarak ifade edebiliriz.
İlkini 2023 yılında Mimarlar Odası İzmir Şubesi, İzmir Serbest Mimarlar Derneği ve İçmimarlar Odası İzmir şubesi ile birlikte, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin destekleri ile düzenlediğimiz Arch For ME (Mediterranean Ecology)-1 etkinliğimizi sürdürülebilir ve ekolojik yapılar temasını dikkate alarak organize ettik.
Tüm Türkiye’den mimarları, içmimarları, yatırımcıları, tasarımcıları ve Akdeniz Bölgesi ülkelerinden (Yunanisyan, İtalya, İspanya, Fransa, Belçika, İsrail, Tunus) ekoloji konusunda uzman profesyonelleri konuşmacı olarak misafir ettik. İki ayrı salonda gerçekleşen sahne sohbetlerinde, temaya uygun bilgi ve tecrübe paylaşımları yapıldı. Ayrıca iki gün boyunca katılımcı firmalarımız, 600+ ziyaretçimize yapı sektörüne özel sürdürülebilir ürün ve hizmetlerini tanıtma imkanı buldular.
Global warming presents the gravest threat to life on Earth in all of human history. The planet is dying faster than we thought. Scientists predict that if we keep going along our current greenhouse gas emissions trajectory, climate change will cause more than a third of the Earth’s animal and plant species to face extinction by 2050 and up to 70 percent by the end of the century. (1)
More than 150 governments submitted Intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) for definitive contributions at Paris Agreement in 2015. The sum of the commitments in these declarations predicts that global warming will miss the target of 2 degrees at the end of this century, reaching 2.7 degrees. (2.2 to 3.4 degrees) (2)
Current policies presently in place around the world are projected to result in about 2.7°C warming above pre-industrial levels. NDCs alone will limit warming to 2.4°C. (2) When binding long-term or net-zero targets are included warming would be limited to about 2.0°C above pre-industrial levels. (3)
The buildings sector is the largest energy-consuming sector, accounting for over one-third of final energy consumption globally. In certain regions highly dependent on traditional biomass, energy use in buildings represents as much as 80% of total final energy use. (4)
25% of the global CO2-emissions (including transport) and 40% of the global resource consumption is caused by construction sector. In most countries the construction sector is the sector with the highest potential for CO2-reduction (4)
If the buildings sector is the largest energy-consuming sector and source of 25% of the global CO2-emissions, we can admit that this sector has to be the key to climate chaos.
Architects and interior architects are the key actors in buildings sector. They are responsible for sustainable designs and they are determining building material to use in the right place.
In different parts of world architects have different expertise for the same global chaos.
Let’s meet and share ideas.
Learn from each other and meet building material producers who take great care for the environment.
Let’s discuss the future of cities, lets discuss the green deal.
Architecture for who? Architecture for you, architecture for me and Architecture for Mediterranean Ecology.
Please remember that you will visit the “Center” of human history not “Middle East”
The First known city in the world, Çatalhöyük is in Turkey (founded 9,000 years ago, and this UNESCO World Heritage Site) Catalhöyük is the first place where surrounding villages came together and formed a central location and began the sort of urban civilization that dominates the modern world (5)
Turkey is one of a few countries where all three religions have co-existed peacefully for centuries. All three major Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and, Islam) originated from the this region.
The first human-built temple, Göbeklitepe is also in Turkiye, which changed the written history or human civilization.
Scholars have long believed that only after people learned to farm and live in settled communities did they have the time, organization and resources to construct temples and support complicated social structures. But Gobeklitepe says the opposite: At a prehistoric village just 20 miles away from Gobeklitepe, geneticists found evidence of the world’s oldest domesticated strains of wheat; radiocarbon dating indicates agriculture developed there around 10,500 years ago, or just five centuries after Gobekli Tepe’s construction. (6)
Izmir is one of the many Turkish cities to have hosted different cultures and beliefs throughout history .
The city has more than 3,000 years of recorded urban history, and up to 8,500 years of history as a human settlement since the Neolithic period. The city has been one of the principal mercantile cities of the Mediterranean Sea for much of its history.
When you will be at the event you will have a chance to visit the virgin Marry’s house (7)
Nine famous synagogues form 17th century (8)
Probably last work of the celebrated architect Sinan, Muradiye mosque (1586)
You can give credit to Türkiye and İzmir by just remembering that The European colonization of the Americas began in the late 15th century, however most colonies in what would later become the United States were settled after 1600.
According to Leo Tolstoy “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity “
It is time for architects, who are the key actors of building sector, to take action to serve the humanity which is the sole meaning of life.
The main reason of the “Architecture For Mediterranean Ecology Fair” is ,
To cooperate as never before for taking action against climate change as the main actors decoupling the political map from geography. (Action requires many supports; maps are not important anymore. You will soon realize that İzmir can be your second home easily) discussing solutions at the hearth of human history learning sustainable building materials which mostly have Ecolabel, EPD certificates and also limited VOC levels.
Establishing a new family who are working for the same aim. Survival by the help of architectural solutions.
Just join the event, meet new stubborn architects and firms which are producing environmentally friendly.
Forget about the term “no way” its time for a new term “yes way”. Yes, we can create a new world , Yes, we can save our future.